BJJDex: The First Interactive Knowledge Map of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Built with React.js, users can explore and navigate the first ever data-catalog of the myriad intricate positions of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

BJJDex: The First Interactive Knowledge Map of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


On a technical level, BJJDex is an interactive web application accessible through desktop browser and mobile webapp browser.

BJJDex combines the latest web technologies with expert Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu knowledge to deliver an unparalleled experience of BJJ Learning, organizing over 200 years of grappling knowledge into a digital mind palace.

Unlike any other learning platform on the market, BJJDex allows the user greater accuracy to search the exact position and scenario that they wish to analyze and learn about.

BJJDex is the first ever flexible, portable web application specifically designed to make it easy to learn, teach, and sell Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Videos.

For BJJ Entrepreneurs, Big Team Brands, Academy Associations - Create your own BJJDex for your global or local brand.

Goals and Motivation

The current market of Jiu-Jitsu learning tools provide long-form videos containing what we called “lectures”: hours of agonizing video recordings of real lessons that were hard to consume.

These lecture-style videos would require intense video editing in order to make them watchable and engaging, which is another barrier for both the creator and the consumer.

A more important and significant pain-point of the lecture-style videos, was that it was impractically difficult to return back to a certain point of reference when the user wanted to be reminded of something.

We established three points that were important to us:

  1. Knowledge should be easily searchable
  2. The user should have fun and be thrilled to explore a BJJ Video Database just as they do in real life
  3. We will never provide a linear, structured video course simply because people should get to the mats ASAP, you shouldn’t spend 5 hours watching instructionals. Get your knowledge and drill for 5 hours instead.

We saw two potential solutions:

  • Continue to buy pieces of instructionals in the current available market of online training platforms for our own sake, or
  • Build our own Interactive Digital Mind-Palace Knowledge Map using the latest web technologies and make history.

While the first option was tempting, my wallet had other plans. During our research, we discovered a unique way to store, add, and display BJJ Positions and Videos. Working silently in the shadows, we are proud to announce BJJDex is published in version 1.0.

Tech Stack Used

  • React.js: Used as the framework for building the app, providing a modern and declarative UI toolkit for the desktop and mobile browser.
  • Node.js: Leveraging functional programming and asynchronous piping with async/await technology, the back-end server is fast and flexible.


Nothing too fancy here— on a technical level, currently it’s only a read-only app with multiple 3rd-Party API and Database integrations:

  • Responsive Design: Users can view the app in both mobile phones and desktop.
  • Ever expanding catalog of videos: It’s not just about the tech - we are leveraging our vast social resources, personal connections, and professional athletes around the World to create the biggest catalog of the highest quality of BJJ knowledge to ever exist.
  • Filtering: Users can filter through positions, situations, scenarios by clicking or tapping. Explore the Dex like flipping through an encyclopedia. Have fun again.
  • Are You an Athlete? Gym Owner? Coach? : BJJDex is Powerful, Flexible, Unparalleled in the online Martial Arts Video Learning space. If you want your own BJJDex, email admin@bjjdex.com. We can make it happen for you.

The Future

BJJDex for Associations of Academies, Big Team Brands (Gracie Barra, Alliance, Carpe Diem)

BJJDex is the first ever flexible, portable web application specifically designed to make it easy to learn, teach, and sell Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Videos.

You can have your own BJJDex - we will make it for you.

Don’t struggle to find the right person and spend years developing your own website.

BJJDex is licensable for a reasonable cost to businesses, and the flexibility and long-term proofing is guaranteed with it’s cutting edge web technologies.

Last updated on January 9, 2025 at 7:51 PM UTC+7.

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